*Due to limited staff availability, please schedule an appointment for a guided tour or research assistance.
Sylvan Street Museum & Research Center/Mary C. Anderson Building
The historic 1902 Grace Episcopal Church is now home to the Noank Historical Society’s main offices, library, archives, museum collections and exhibits.
The Sylvan Street Museum & Research Center/Mary C. Anderson Building draws visitors and researchers interested in Noank people, houses, schools, Palmer Shipyard, boatbuilding, fishing and the artists’ community. People often are researching for family genealogical information to learn more about their Noank connections. Its archives are a great source for the study and enjoyment of New England shore history. Visitors learn of the Museum through the Noank Historical Society’s various social programs, such as quarterly meetings and lectures, quarterly newsletters, and through references from other historical and tourist organizations.
We are open Mondays, 1-4 p.m., and by appointment throughout the fall and winter. Please call or email to schedule an appointment.
Sylvan Street Museum & Research Center/Mary C. Anderson Building
17 Sylvan Street
Noank, Connecticut
(860) 536-3021